Wednesday, December 28, 2011

SVM Mac: latest issue on newsstands

It's the end of a great adventure that lasted 23 years. The latest issue of SVM Mac, 245, out now on newsstands. For this issue collector, magazine officials have prepared a long folder called "Apple yesterday, today and tomorrow." The opportunity to revisit the history of Apple, through its products. A nice flashback to the first example of Mac operating systems. Please note participation in this edition of David Borel, to whom we owe the site MacBrains, who worked on the part of the dossier on the future of Apple.
In his last editorial, Lawrence Clause SVM Mac says as many of securities of the clipboard, failed to find a viable business model with digital. And as he points out, it's even more ironic that the Cupertino Company has never had so many customers in recent years. But there is also the downside: "The Cupertino Company has become so huge that everyone talks about it, so what if it is often in a superficial way." The editor of SVM Mac, however, concludes with an optimistic note: "Our passion for Apple remains intact sphere, we look forward to seeing you soon elsewhere and otherwise."

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