
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mac App Store: 100 million downloads

Apple announced that Mac App Store has surpassed 100 million downloads. Recall that the platform download from Apple for its personal computers was launched earlier this year.

The California Company did not give further information about his shop Mac. Phil Schiller merely states: "With over 100 million downloads in less than a year, the Mac App Store itself as the store software for personal computers in the worlds largest and the one with the fastest growing ". For information, depending on the site AppShopper, the Mac App Store has just less than 8500 software.

In its statement, Apple took the opportunity to give some statistics on the iOS cousin, the App Store: a catalog of 500,000 apps downloads 18 billion in total and a rate of one billion downloads of apps per month unabated according to Apple. In passing, we note that the Android Market is now a similar pace .

The announcement comes as Apple has completed its migration to the Mac App Store, adding its range of audio software for professionals.

At the end of last week, Apple was awarded the best software available on its platform download (read: Mac App Store: the best applications of 2011). The two winners are Pixelmator and Civilization V: Campaign Edition.

If this figure may seem impressive at first glance, it is relative. If the Mac App Store generates in one year 100 million downloads, just fewer than 10 million per month. This is negligible compared to the billion downloads that achieves its platform to download IOS.

Still, the installed base of Macintosh figure is small compared to the Gaulish village park iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In addition, if the App Store is an entry point missed on iOS is far from the Mac App Store.

On the other hand, if most shareware vendors have adopted the Mac App Store, the big names are left out. The Microsoft, Quark, Adobe (with rare exceptions) has not thrown on the Apple Store. Others, such as VMWare or Parallels could not live there because of some technical limitations imposed by Apple. But does, as noted at the Apple Developers Conference (WWDC), it took only a few weeks for the Mac App Store will become the primary instead of Mac software distribution.

This volume of downloads on the Mac App Store does not include those made to the Lion or updates suggested for each successive software, Apple said in The Loop. Another detail, the number of boxes in software sales reached 50 million units in 2011 in the United States. What is the measure of weight gained by the Mac App Store (taking into account however that many software distributed by DSS have always existed in digital form only).

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