
Friday, December 23, 2011

Logic Pro 9 and MainStage landed on the Mac App Store

After Aperture and Final Cut Pro X is the turn of Logic Pro made its appearance on the Mac App Store. A finish that changes quite a bit in the range of CAM software from Apple.

On the Mac App Store, Logic Pro 9 is on sale at a price of € 149.99 or € 50 less than the Express version. His companion for live performance, MainStage, is also arriving on the Mac App Store. It is priced at € 23.99. As it has done before for its other software suites, Apple opted for a sale "to cut" and used it to cut prices.

The package Logic Pro + Compressor + MainStage costs on the Mac App Store € 213.97, while the Apple Logic Studio Store is sold € 499! However, after Apple has evidence and more like 3 and Soundtrack Pro WaveBurner. But given the price difference ... These two programs do not seem to be a priority for Apple.

Another thing to note: the versions of Logic Pro and MainStage are newer on the Mac App Store. For the former, it is a minor update that fixes bugs mainly. Owners of 9.1.5 can already get this update for download [195 MB].

With regard to MainStage, Apple believes that the version on the Mac App Store is a significant update. Therefore, users of this application will have to hand the wallet. The software that Apple has a studio on stage has been redesigned to use configurations with more than four cores. MainStage 2.2 offers support for more MIDI devices. Finally, the interface has been redesigned, the components are slightly larger, so as to facilitate its use in "extreme" conditions.

Finally, by buying Logic Pro and / or MainStage on the Mac App Store, users can get a 25 GB library including six Jam Packs.

Consequence of the arrival of Logic Pro 9, only Logic Studio will continue to be available in a box. And again, it will be available on the Apple Store. Second, Apple announced the abandonment of Logic Express. It's not a surprise given the price of the Pro version on the Mac App Store.

Finally, it is surprising that the arrival on the Mac App Store does not coincide with the release of Logic 10. If the software has evolved over MAO updates (including support for 64-bit), version 9 has been marketed there for over two years. At the start, he murmured that Apple was working on a significant update of Logic Studio, which would take the road to Final Cut Pro X.

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