
Friday, November 18, 2011

Google Music Remix

Presented at the Google I / O six months ago, Google Music has lost its label of "beta", and is now as a competitor of the couple iTunes Store / icloud. At the same time music store, record digital and social platform, Google Music is another step in the Mountain View company in the world of content distribution, a new strengthening its ecosystem. 
 Eight years after the iTunes Store Google launches its own music store, the Google Music Store (U.S. only).
This shop has currently eight million pieces (thirteen in a few months) from the catalogs of Sony Music, Universal and its subsidiary, EMI, as well as numerous independent labels - Warner is conspicuously absent. In the same way that the iTunes Store is available on Mac, PC and iOS, the Google Music Store is present on your computer via the browser, and Android (2.2 +). 

 These pieces are offered in MP3 format, including 320 for Pricing between $ 0.99 and $ 1.29, with a preview of 90 seconds. For comparison, Apple offers a selection of 20 million pieces of the four majors and many independent labels, AAC 256, for a price between $ 0.69 and $ 1.29. Google has nonetheless managed to negotiate a number of exclusive (with the Rolling Stones, Coldplay, Busta Rhymes, Shakira, Pearl Jam and the Dave Matthews Band), and offer a free song a day. Note also that a year after their arrival on the iTunes Store, the Beatles are now available on Google Music store. 

The songs are instantly available in Google Music, a digital record, you can add your own 20 000 pieces (through an app to install on OS X, Windows and Linux) for free. Match with iTunes, Apple allows you to add 25 000 pieces in the cloud, but it charges $ 24.99 per year. Google Music is integrated with Google +: share a song with your friends, and they will be able to hear not only an extract of 90 seconds, but the entire piece. In short, Google added a stone to the edifice of its ecosystem, while remaining faithful to its model of free - a new model for music, and asked about the underlying conditions.

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