Thursday, October 6, 2011

IPhone 4S, but not iPhone 5

As the rumors suggested in recent days, 5 no iPhone, but 4S is an iPhone to the iPhone 4 that was the iPhone 3G to 3G. 
An update but not negligible in terms of hardware: CPU and graphics chip A5 double-heart, better battery life (8 appeal 3G 14h on appeal 2G, 6 hours of 3G browsing, 10 hours of video, 40 hours of music), a new dual antenna, new chip compatible G 14.4 3.5 Mbps, a world-phone mode UMTS and CDMA 8MP/1080p sensor, Bluetooth, 4 ...

Recalling that the iPhone is the device 4 as used on Flick, Phil Schiller said Apple has greatly improved this feature in its new phone. The sensor, which switches to 8MP, is always backlit, but it was revised to further improve its performance in light conditions deteriorated. It has a filter Hybrid IR (better consistency), and a new signal processor that improves white balance, embedded intelligence (white balance, autofocus) and speed (the first 1.1 s trigger, the second in 0.5 s). The lens, which passes five components, now opens to f/2.4. Apple did not specify the focal length of the system, which should remain at 28mm, although 24mm would have been nice.
In video mode, the sensor turns the iPhone camera 4S in 1080p. Apple has incorporated a Vibration Reduction system in real time (it will see if this system reduces the phenomenon of rolling shutter), and a mechanism for reducing background noise, again in real time. Last thing to know, like the iPad 2, the iPhone runs the 4S mirrored with AirPlay.
One more thing: an assistant voice!
The one more thing this special event was not a big surprise: it is a wizard that will be able to answer your questions and your orders. What will the weather today? Do I need to take an umbrella? Wake me up at 7 o'clock. What is the price of the Nasdaq? What are the closest plugs? How do I get to MacGeneration? Send a text message to Florian to say that Anthony has had almost all good rumors, but must pay a dessert for believing the iPhone 5. Note my appointment with the dentist on October 18 ... The system is based on the voice recognition system from Nuance, and embeds the intelligence of Siri.

There's Newton in there say the oldest. Siri is the name of the company that Apple had bought in May 2010, with technologies from the DARPA had helped to set up a voice worthy of the Wizard Knowledge Navigator, John Sculley's dream (read: Assistant iOS 5: "an event that changes everything"). Apple has taken Siri, whose co-founder still in Cupertino, is integrated Wikipedia search engine and natural language Wolfram Alpha, and has a key function of the iPhone 4S.

Winarsky for Norman, vice president of SRI Ventures and investor in Siri, the integration of this technology in iOS 5 will change fundamentally the way we interact with the iPhone. If the achievement is up, this feature could be revolutionary. The system will be launched in beta and will be available initially in several languages, including French! Apple will include more languages ​​and services as and when. Siri only works on the iPhone 4S, since it requires a lot of power and a specific audio signal processor.
Note that the 3G is still offered for sale, it will be offered for free if you engage in an operator. IPhone line is as follows:
- IPhone 3G - 8GB / "free" with a subscription / € 369 (nu)- IPhone 4 to 8 GB / $ 99 € 519 (nu)- 4S iPhone - 16 GB / $ 199 - 32GB / $ 299 - 64GB / $ 399 / € 629 from (nu)
Pre-orders will begin Friday, October 7 in a limited number of countries, including France. It will be available for purchase seven days later.
4S The iPhone will be marketed in 22 countries from October 22, including Belgium and Switzerland. Apple finally provides a third wave of launch in 70 countries by the end of the year.

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