Monday, October 3, 2011

Amazon Kindle has its tablet Fire and Kindle to $ 79

As predicted by the rumor, Amazon today introduced its first tablet, the Kindle Fire. It does not compete directly iPad, but rather is designed to compete with the Touch Nook Barnes & Noble: with a 7 "screen, and comes at $ 199. The firm of Jeff Bezos has also introduced a new Kindle , whose price is extremely aggressive. Kindle the Fire is first and foremost a Kindle tablet, more than a multimedia tablet: it has no photo sensor, no microphone, not even a 3G chip (but a WiFi chip anyway). These sacrifices are used to define the tablet at the same time they get the price down.

Amazon does not say, but the tablet has 8 GB of internal storage and a battery life of 8 hours. This is not so much to compete with the iPad reading lights that meet the supercharged as Nook Touch Barnes & Noble. Amazon's CEO believes that the success of the tablet will come from the strength of its ecosystem of content: Amazon is the only plan on rival Apple's (read: Amazon, the best enemy of Apple), the two companies are in light years from HP, RIM, and even Google. Amazon posed patiently his pawns in recent years, books of course (Kindle), but also music (Amazon MP3), movies, TV shows (Amazon Prime), applications (AppStore), and now magazines.

This content is the best argument Kindle Fire, which is also sold with a 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, the premium service from Amazon that has a VOD system (11 000 movies and TV shows). Amazon takes a small size and close the book on 7 "(the Kindle has a screen with a diagonal 6"): The Kindle Fire weighing only 413 grams, one can easily hold it with one hand. With a dual-heart, she has access to all the services of Amazon, and will serve both as reading light viewer film or game support.Amazon uses a technology called Silk to optimize the content of Web pages served to Kindle Fire and accelerate the rendering and display, the pages are stored in cache on EC2 servers, optimized, and pushed to the shelves on demand. The JavaScript is still running locally, and the browser supports Flash (no Amazon boasted that matter). The load is increased.

By the way, Amazon opens the possibility of launching investigations behavioral data on the mass customer traffic Kindle Fire.Fire the Kindle uses the foundation for Android, which is completely obscured by Amazon as an interface: Google is not an ally here, but a competitor. The interface reminds a shelf, and mixing the various types of content - applications are included. The most frequently used are displayed on the first page, the largest elements of this first page as those recently used. No aspect of the software will remember the roots of OS used by Amazon. Competitor of the iPad, Kindle the Fire? Not sure. But the iPod touch him, could suffer: the devices are not directly competitive, but the price of Apple's PMP will now appear as too high. This concept device intermediate iPhone without a plan, iPad portable, will perhaps have to be redefined by the price or features. Kindle the Fire will be available November 15 and can already be pre-ordered. Beyond this shelf, Amazon has revised its range of screen reading lights eInk. Kindle The Kindle is the first touch touch land on which Jeff Bezos had never wanted to venture because of technical barriers (adding glare, loss of readability). Without a keyboard, it looks like the reading lights competing at Barnes & Noble, Kobo or Sony, and has a similar function: type in the middle of the screen to go to the menu on the left and right to turn the pages.

These areas can be customized (EasyReach system) for easy handling with one hand: we can minimize the area used to return a page back, rejecting the area to call the menu at the top of the screen, and allow a maximum of place to move to the area of ​​reading. The player interface and navigation is very similar to the application for iOS Kindle. Using the latest technology and a touch screen eInk infrared, the Kindle is proposed to touch $ 99 in WiFi, 3G model at $ 149 (available connection for life). To meet the reading lights cheapest, Amazon introduced a Kindle to $ 79, which is not touch and no longer has a near-useless keyboard of his predecessors.

This model, available now and 30% lighter than the previous model (170 g), just a minimal number of buttons. All these new models display advertisements on their screen saver, a system launched earlier this year and never interrupts the reading (read: $ 25 off the Kindle 3 against the pub). Without advertising, Kindle goes to $ 109, to touch the $ 139 Kindle and Kindle Touch 3G $ 189. Only the low-end Kindle can be ordered from France, the other remaining models currently US-only.

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