Tuesday, September 20, 2011

IPhone: the remote to do everything

The iPhone, and IOS devices in general are becoming remote controls of all trades. It is true that Apple has shown very early on the way with Remote [2.1.1 - French - Free - iPhone / iPad - iTunes Sarl] which is used to control the Apple TV or iTunes on your computer. Subsequently, many have tried to make the iPhone to act as a universal remote in the lounge.

 This applies, for example Beacon Griffin (69 €), which allows using an application to control your TV, your digital receiver, stereo, and much, much more ... But over time, there are more unusual objects. It started probably last year with the AR Drone where terminals iOS served quadricopter a remote radio-controlled (read: Testing the AR. Drone).

It is unclear whether the object was a commercial success, but he gave some ideas.Even if the object is much more conventional Dexim recently presented AppSpeed ​​Monster Truck, a remote-controlled truck that instead of being supplied with a remote control includes a dongle that plugs into a terminal iOS (read: When the iPhone truck driver). And sooner or later, this could also apply to large cars. In the world of Frankfurt, Valeo has demonstrated Park4U, a system to park your car for you. You leave your vehicle, you Draw your iPhone and you tell your car where you park.

This technology is already working with some manufacturers (Audi, Ford, Volkswagen), but the iPhone application allows for parking is not available and had never been presented. Unfortunately, the slots are not supported! Some have found uses far less futile. Thus, the German company operates the iPhone as a remote control for ultra-sophisticated KUKA KR 6, an industrial robot.The video is quite impressive. The application on the iPhone is not just to drive the vehicle (using the accelerometer), it also offers the ability to program it.

It's not just that the idea of ​​iOS any control is gaining ground. Recently, at IFA, LG introduced a system for Android to any drive your appliances: washing machine, oven and vacuum cleaner robot.All this only works with LG devices. Like what, Apple is not the only one who understood the concept of ecosystem ...

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