
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HTC vs Apple

 The ITC considers the second request from Apple. ITCA mid-July, Apple filed a second complaint against HTC at the ITC (International Trade Commission), accusing the Taiwanese company of violating four patents already used in other procedures and on laptops, scrolling and telematics touch screen. As often happens in these cases, the ITC has agreed to consider this request.
Apple's complaint is a copy of a complaint filed in Delaware and relates more particularly to tablets such as HTC Flyer: ITC expected to give its opinion on this yet another aspect of the case between Apple HTC first. In the first complaint to Apple, the ITC ruled that HTC violated two patents of Cupertino, a notice must be confirmed by the commissioners of the agency.

HTC has responded by extending its own proceedings to the UK, while Apple was guilty of patent infringement S3 Graphics , company being acquired by HTC.

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