Monday, August 1, 2011

Default Folder X and specials in AppDelete

Default Folder X, adds features to the windows opening and saving documents. This is one of the oldest utility on Mac. He has recently been revised to support OS X Lion. Until the end of the promotion, Default Folder X is sold $ 19.95 instead of $ 34.95. As the name suggests, AppDelete is a tool to properly remove an application. To do this, simply drag and drop AppDelete on the software you want to get rid. Until tomorrow night, it is sold $ 5.59 or $ 2.40 less than normal. Finally, note that the promotional offer of Application Systems to an end. Until 31 midnight, it is possible to get the full benefit of the promotions made during the month. It is possible to obtain discounted software like OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, PDFpen Pro Dictate 2 or 1Password as well as games like Call of Duty 4, Civilization V, X-Plane 9 or GTA Trilogy.

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