Friday, July 1, 2011

iPhone changed everything Part.III

However, we can forgive these errors before the announcement, which had, after all, very little evidence on which to rely. However, when all was said and shown, the reactions can give food for thought, in retrospect. David Haskin for ComputerWorld, said; I am more convinced than ever that, after an initial frenzy of publicity and sales to "early adopters", sales of the iPhone will not be dramatic. If Apple does not respond quickly by lowering prices and making amends with AT & T, which will probably be irritated, the iPhone could become the next Apple Newton. Remember, two years after the marketing of the Newton, PDA smaller and cheaper appeared - the Palm Pilot - which really made her little effect.

The quotations are undoubtedly the most ready to smile for the most outrageous, nothing but long awaited finally on the hilarious John C. Dvorak is that it made a specialty about Apple, which said in March 2007; Apple should drop the iPhone ... What Apple risks here is its reputation as a cool company that cannot miss anything. If she is smart she will say that the iPhone is a "reference design" and pass an asshole for him to build the marketing budget to someone else. Then it can wash their hands of any commercial failure ... Otherwise, I advise everyone to look elsewhere. You will not like what you see.

But he who made his gloating of the iPhone, which has since changed his mind quickly, was Steve Ballmer, in a statement that was missing a lot of foresight and that cost him dearly.

There is no chance that the iPhone can earn any significant market share. No chance. It costs $ 500 when it is subsidized. They might make money. But if you really look at the 1.3 billion phones that are sold, I would prefer to see our software in 60 to 80% of them on 2 to 3%, which is what Apple might have.

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