Saturday, July 23, 2011
Chrome Fits Gently The Problems In Leo Compatibility
Chrome users spent on Lion will have noticed that some of the new OS are poorly or not supported by the browser. The scroll bar does not take into account the settings of the OS for its display, full screen mode is not suitable (but also gestures are not supported). Chrome has a full screen, but it does not behave as standard. Several adaptations of the software are in progress, as reported by Sundar Pichai of Google to TechCrunch.
Chrome currently displays many of the new button switches to full screen. But in this state, the browser will not display the toolbar. It does not propose the button to leave the full screen; it must be done by the menu or keyboard shortcut. Then, in Mission Control Chrome full screen is displayed among the other applications in the upper area of the screen.
Regarding the lack of toolbar, one of the developers of Chrome reminded that this presentation is desired. Google wants to give up space on page and the bar is displayed at the approach of the mouse. We are then in what amounts to a format. And the idea of adding a preference to software sorrow too.
In contrast, Safari offers an in-between, this is to maximize its display, but without depriving the user of the button bar and its tabs. Initially, the developer engaged in the discussion Chrome has refused to return to this established principle. Through the exchanges, the position has evolved. The adoption of the full screen, it requires a little work because the button bar of Chrome does not use the standard resources of Mac OS X.
Google has initially removed the full screen button as it appeared in Lion does not lead to a standard behavior. What can the user aback? The withdrawal is effective now since the latest beta. The scroll bar also has it normally. Then the developers will seek to stick as close to full screen mode as Lion, and test the principle of a button bar that can be displayed in this presentation.
In parallel, a participant in the debate has compiled a version of Chromium start offering more standard behavior.
Another planned development, this time on the support of gestures to move between page views. In the final version of Leo, this movement is, by default, with two fingers instead of three (it's option adjustable in the preferences of Mac OS X). Chrome, however, does not understand the gesture with two fingers. We must therefore modify the basic settings of the OS if you use a Magic Trackpad. There is also a developer - who has in the meantime with Trackpad Magic - said to have addressed the problem.
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