Friday, June 10, 2011

Testing the iMac 27 "2.7 GHz Quad Core i5 Part.III

Another point to note with this hard drive and more generally with this iMac, it works quietly. In a quieter environment, we launched a Flash playback 1080p on YouTube, iMovie and encoding a copy of a large folder of files, everything went without one is a particular annoyance came from fans or Disc. While an iMac 27 "Core i7 of 2009 will be much more remarkable for its breakdown.

This iMac also differs from its predecessors by adding a light sensor next to the webcam. It automatically alters the brightness of the screen. She is still alive; some coping with this very well, others will find it too strong to its maximum setting. So there is a new option to automatically adjust in System Preferences.

Another development is the presence of the connection to Thunderbolt. Except that Apple has not provided a connector on the iMac as 21.5 "but two. Sign it considers this series of iMac as suitable for certain professional uses where the Thunderbolt will make his debut, including video. But in the meantime, the two acquisitions have nothing to put in their mouths. We must remember that the use of this iMac as a screen of another Mac (target mode) is possible that using a Mac Thunderbolt too.

Like the 21.5 "color rendering of the webcam seemed more neutral, while newer machines like the last MacBook Pro 15" which in very good conditions of light, the image drew significantly on the magenta. Another detail, the design of the iMac has not changed, housing for SD cards is very near the slot SuperDrive, beware of evil manipulations' ...

At the time of ordering, the customer some options. Like go to 8 GB memory (16 GB max). If one spends most of his time on the Internet, the 4 GB may be enough. It is recommended that in contrast to climb to higher level when working with many applications open. We can happily adjust its configuration in a second time. Of the four memory slots, two are vacant, so we can add strips later, and look for any tariffs more competitive than the Apple Store (200 €). The installation itself of these bars is relatively easy. As long as you have the right screwdriver, simply remove the small grid in the screen and drag strips in their new homes. It's a matter of ten minutes.

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