Wednesday, June 15, 2011

QuarkXPress 9 Part.I

Now over 25 years that the veteran of the layout is to work. Mock press advertising XPress ... went from the golden age of electronic publishing to the even more modern, cross-media publishing with line of sight iPad and all that matters tablets on the market electronic reading lights. Launched a few weeks ago, QuarkXPress 9 is still not able to export its contents to the iPad. It was not until the end of July to have this opportunity as a free update. For now, we have only a brilliant demonstration of the publisher of the export module in Quark QPS to ensure the full potential of the tool "AppStudio". It is very easy to use and will convert the models into interactive content for iPad.

Nothing distinguishes the version 9 of the previous one, except the home screen of the software. No effort to take control of the interface is therefore requested.

Meanwhile the extension "AppStudio" XPress itself to export its content to various industry standards. We can convert our documents into electronic books in ePub format (for Apple iBooks, the Amazon Kindle ...) or for the electronic reader Blio eReader. The tools allow XPress easily redefine the formats of models specific to these formats while defining the different meanings of reading. Tools used by any designer "paper", which should be the same philosophy for the tool "AppStudio" and the transposition to the iPad. Still, the layout for a reading lamp and a print magazine does not carry the same creative imagination and it will take getting used to manipulate the tool in getting rid of paper patterns.

XPress does not miss the turn to digital publishing, but does not neglect his business. The design and publication of paper documents are still the heart of the target and the ninth version brings some new tools. They consist mainly of changes in this version. One also wonders why some of them (e.g. Clone) were not incorporated into the software from version 3.32 ...

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