Apple had already obliterated the notion of IOS file; it will push the logic even further with Leo. Who among us has never found a raging against fatal crash, which occurred "unexpectedly" before any backup job in progress? And conversely, never regretted a backup unfortunate, disfiguring involuntarily working hours following a false manipulation '?
So far, it was the user that he belonged to "make clean" to manage their files, save, classify, list them, in short, time well productivity unnecessarily flown by itself, and worries that everyone without. In the absence of any alternative, we had to do against bad luck, good heart.
Mac OS X 10.7, two technologies relegate such practices to the level of inconsistencies of the past as automatic backup of IOS, and versions, a system that allows to go back on the various stages of changes in your.
With the automatic backup, you will not have to worry about any crashes, power failures and other accidents: the application opens in the state where you left off, reopening the file on which you were to work. Better yet, the windows are repositioned such that you had placed before leaving the application, and even the current selection is returned in the same condition. Nothing distinguishes the application state between the two moments.
Versions promises to further ease the use of software: with a format similar to Time Machine, you can navigate in time to return to previous versions of your document. If you want a version you can scroll the document window to inspect it, and even make a copy and paste from an old to a new version. This feature alone promises new ways of working and use your Mac. The work is temporal and it will be possible to annotate a document as and when its edition to appear with nothing in the end and a simple return on the file's history will reveal these notes.
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