X Final Cut Pro (FCP X) unleashed passion in the small world of video, Apple, who had consulted many professionals in the development of FCP X, decided to step into the breach and to send the team to Final Cut questions from professionals. It did so through David Pogue, technology reporter for the New York Times, who compiled the various criticisms made by professionals. As Pogue explains, this is for Apple to distinguish features really missing the functions that have simply changed places or operation, and also indicate what functions are available or come back through plug-ins. Rich Harrington, a specialist among other things Final Cut, said these responses and offers lighting for someone familiar with the software.
From scratch with FCP X, Apple took the risk of alienating some of its customers: the X is silent on certain features of version 7. Some of these functions will return in future updates; some are available through plug-ins. As explained Harrington, 7 FCP can edit up to 128 simultaneous angles, although in practice only a handful was useful for editing multicam events such as concerts, entertainment programs, etc.. FCP X does not have this feature.
Apple looks forward to add to X FCP multicam editing, through updated considered "top priority". Pogue explains that in the meantime, place the different angles on parallel tracks and use the synchronization feature to calibrate based on their audio content can be a substitute - which makes him smile Harrington. X FCP manages the audio so very different from its predecessor: the notion of audio tracks becoming very blurred to the point of almost disappearing. An editor and complained of not being able to easily export audio on different tracks to Protools, which completely breaks the habits of production.
Others complain that they can export to EDL (text file with a list of audio events and video as a reference for mounting), AAF or OMF (both file systems to exchange software). In the case of EDL, the answer is clear: Apple oriented approach 100% digital; it is considered to be obsolete. For audio or AAF or OMF, she headed ProExport Automatic Duck, software $ 495 or $ 195 for update: Apple has also confirmed she was leaving it up to third-party developers to support these files, just as it abandoned their management cassettes.
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