
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Face book is recruiting professionals for Mac and Windows

Face book is apparently going to recruit professionals for its today and tomorrows need for face book mobile application and face book application for Mac and PC. An offer of employment reported by TechCrunch clearly refers to creating applications for Mac and Windows. It does not say much more about the nature of this software, but the announcement about the formation of a new team "Desktop" based in Seattle, responsible for designing new products for the millions of computer user’s social network. It is also requested that the developer has used to work on Mac or PC client software and integrated with the web.

Mac apps for Face book not lacking, especially on the Mac App Store. But many of them are roughly the same, display some content via the web from Face book menu bar or in a dedicated application. Face book, via two of its developers, has already created a small utility for Mac displaying notifications - Desktop Notifications - but nothing as ambitious as it suggests that this job offer.

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iMovie: iPad beats MacBook Pro and Mac Pro?

AppAdvice site has developed some small rapid tests for judging the performance of iMovie on the Mac in iPad and basic tasks. The findings are quite surprising: in most of the tasks of copying and coding, the iPad 2 was the fastest, even faster than the MacBook Pro or Mac Pro five times more expensive.

The first test involved the importation of a two-minute video from an iPod touch, 4G towards iPad (with the Camera Connection Kit) and Mac (with the import feature in iMovie). The iPad 2 performs this task in 25.5 seconds, five fewer than the iPad first name, two times faster than a Mac Pro, more than four times faster than a MacBook Air.

For the second test, it was necessary to create an empty project, place the same two-minute video, and then export it in HD 720p: again, the iPad 2 is the fastest. IOS devices end up in a handkerchief, far ahead of the Mac.

Finally, the last test, a bit closer to real conditions: it is this time a small assembly with the same two-minute clip, a title, a soundtrack, and an image to open and close the all exported to HD 720p. This time, the iPad 2 does not prevail: the Mac Pro or MacBook Pro 17 "five times more expensive ones are faster. We note however that the iPad 2 dominates the head and shoulders iOS other devices, this which was not the case in the previous test.

We wanted to check something with an iPad first generation with the latest version of iMovie to IOS, and a MacBook Air 11 "also features the latest version of iMovie for Mac .... The idea was to try to find the reason for these differences: Software Optimization or hardware or difference in the encoding process?

We used a 720p HD video file (H.264) 3:35, just exported in HD 720p. The output file weighs 285 MB side iPad, 262 MB Mac side, and it is difficult to see any difference: in short, the iPad would "cheat" not on compression. But where the MacBook Air is 1:10 p.m. to encode and export the file, does that iPad 03:03 (and this is a first generation model).

It is quite possible that this difference reflects a subtle blend optimization hardware and software with a version designed iOS closer to the hardware platform of the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. iMovie on the Mac operating correctly about multiple cores, but it would not be surprised to learn that the IOS version is a massive use of computing by the graphics chip and some advanced features of the ARM platform dedicated to video - it could explain the differences between the two generations of iPad, the graphics chip of the iPad 2 being much more powerful than the first generation. He can only hope that Apple emissions both bolt around the Mac version...

In the forth coming week you may expect a review is about windows7 phone and iPhone comparison.

Monday, May 30, 2011

DevonThink, MarsEdit and Handy Calculator

The document manager DevonThink had a major update which mainly concerns the function of adding to the manager from a web browser. The publisher updated its extensions and the addition now passes through a window semi-transparent. We can change the title, add a few notes and keywords and choose the document format and the folder that will store the web page. Also on the program, a concept of workspace provided for the Office Pro edition which is to fully safeguard the status of the application to restore it later. DevonThink Pro Office 2.1 also improves compatibility with Outlook and Entourage while all options are entitled to a new home screen and numerous bug fixes. The Mac App Store has not yet been updated.

Also updated MarsEdit, the authoring tool for bloggers. Version 3.3 introduces a new full-screen mode that allows you to concentrate on writing an article; this full-screen mode creates its own space in Mac OS X Lion. MarsEdit now supports transformations from text editor and you can ask the system to read text from this window. A new option sets the font sizes of the main window while the fast mode of writing preferences is now entitled to a preview. MarsEdit 3.3 finally fixes its bugs.

If you find the calculator's default Mac OS X a bit antiquated, Handy Calculator tries to provide an interface more elegant and practical. Like Apple's calculator, Handy Calculator is always in the foreground, but when it is no longer used, it becomes partially transparent. What display the content behind everything possible to return to the calculations if necessary? The calculations are done using the Mac keyboard, or the application's virtual keyboard is easier to manipulate the mouse. The result can then be copied using the usual shortcuts or clicking on the outcome directly.

Asus has a MacBook Air competitor

Battered lately, Asus goes on the offensive. On the occasion of the Computex trade show being held in Taipei, the manufacturer has unveiled several products, one of which is presented as a direct competitor to the MacBook Air.

The Asus UX21 includes several ingredients that made the success of Apple's ultraportable: ultrafine (maximum thickness 17 mm), battery incorporated into the computer-in 7 days due to hibernation, wake ultrafast All aluminum design, SSD by default, glass trackpad.

Unusually for a PC, Asus has done in minimalist terms of connectivity: a microphone port HDMI, USB 2.0 and another USB 3.0.

This machine will be launched in September may also give some indications about the MacBook Air 2011 which could be sold next month. The Asus UX21 is based on the platform Huron River. It has a low power processor Sandy Bridge. This is a i5-2557M clocked at 1.7 GHz. It remains to know its price...

Samsung: "No, we are not copying Apple"

"We did not copy Apple's designs. We have used many similar designs in recent years. And we think that Apple's claims should not be a legal problem. “This is the line of defense JK Shin, President of Samsung Mobile.

However, this did not stop him from suggesting that the legal battle being waged between the two groups could be extended to new fronts. Remember that last weekend, the Korean company has requested access to prototypes of the iPhone and iPad3 to ipad5 prepare his defense

In addition, as part of the interview given to the Wall Street Journal, Samsung has recognized that he would put the package on Android, especially on the shelves. This does not mean an abandonment of Bada. Finally, to gain market share in the highly competitive market shelves, the Korean company said it would not hesitate to be very aggressive on the pricing plan.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Amazon launches competitor to the Mac App Store

Amazon launches competitor to the Mac App Store. Like Downloads available from the Mac Store you can download the software for an apple branded computers. Among the applications available for sale can find Microsoft Office 2011, Toast, both absent for the moment the Mac App Store.

The software library includes 250 titles from Amazon is much less than that of Apple. It is more like that found in the Mac store shelves. Also on the menu: many games signed Feral Interactive, Aspyr, or Electronic Arts.

The user experience offered by Amazon is less polished than that suggested Apple. The company selling online provides a download manager. The user must take care against the facility. On the other hand, there is no mechanism for automatic updating like the Mac App Store.

As on the Mac App Store, you can re-download previously purchased software on the Mac Download Store. Amazon offers more flexibility for publishers; they can decide how many positions on which a license may be installed. To celebrate the promotion of its new service, Amazon is offering a coupon for $ 5 valid until June 1st.

For now, this service is available in the United States. It is in some sense for Amazon to becoming a major player in the world of digital music stores.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

XPS 15z: a MacBook Pro with Dell

Dell has unveiled its new notebook, the XPS 15z whose design has benefited from the experience gained with the deceased family Adamo, at the time inspired by the MacBook Air. This time the resemblance is rather to pick the side of the MacBook Pro. Engadget suggests that a test does not make a mistake; it presents these two machines together.
Contrary to what we thought, this notebook displays an identical weight (2.51 kg) than the laptop from Apple and it's barely thicker (2.41 cm 2.4 cm cons ...). On the form as there are similarities. A regular on the Mac does not confuse, but the PC user, seduced by the design of the MacBook Pro, may find his account.

This XPS 15z is made of aluminum and magnesium (around the keyboard), unlike the unibody construction and all aluminum Apple (hence a slightly softer touch of the hull). Speakers placed on either side of the keyboard (backlit, but without intensity adjustment) are similar to those furiously MacBook Pro, although Apple, through its micro-laser perforation was successful in producing much finer grids and discrete. Look familiar also on the distribution of ports or the charging battery (coarser him too). But everything seems more highlighted than at Apple. And the shiny metallic border was chic (and again ...) two years ago, at the time of iPhone 3G / S

The definition of the screen (glossy) is 1366x768 or 1920x1080 depending on the option. Apple offers the standard 1440x900 and 1680x1050 as an option. Engadget talks about a screen with beautiful images, but with very poor viewing angles. On the other physical details, the keyboard is held, the large multi-touch track pad, however, is sometimes more capricious in the detection of certain gestures.

This PC is equipped with basic version of a dual-core i5 (MacBook Pro 15 "are all now Core i7 Quad option absent from Dell) to 2.3 GHz, 6 GB RAM (4 only in Apple), a GeForce GT525M / 1 GB hard disk of 750 GB at 7200 rpm (a speed option from Apple) and three USB ports and Mini Display Port. No Blue-ray but a standard DVD burner.

The version tested by Engadget was equipped with the optional 2.7 GHz Core i7 Dual Core with 8 GB of RAM and 2 GB on the graphics card. This brings the price of $ 1000 to $ 1,534 ($ 1,800 for the first MacBook Pro 15 "Core i7 Quad 2 GHz). On the performance, the Core i7 Quad MacBook Pro puts forward, and it is the same independently. Instead of 8am advanced by Dell, Engadget has instead obtained between 4:30 to 3:40 ET continuous video playback and Wi-Fi enabled. On the same test, the MacBook Pro had held almost 7:30 ...

Conclusion of the site deal with this distant cousin of the MacBook Pro is a good choice given its price ($ 999 and as much in Euros), but there's nothing shocking. We also see that the price is certainly attractive compared to a MacBook Pro but the difference is not just about margins. It is also found in the performances of each other. Apple is paying more, but we found it in performance and battery life.

Dell said he learned a lot of design and marketing of its Adamo. It had made a break, offering a design that we would not have imagined possible in the Texas manufacturer. However, it was abandoned after two years. With hindsight, Dell believes it went too far, with a successful machine physically, but sold too expensive (even the MacBook Air was better positioned) as the company seeks a wider audience "The People liked the design, quality, design and finish, but they were frustrated that it is an expensive computer, because he did not perform as it was entitled to expect given its price "said Ed Boyd, vice president of experience design group.

This trade would still have been missed beneficial in that it has changed the habits and participated in house to give another image of Dell. The design is more honored; studies are conducted with customers on their expectations about their practices in computer and compared with earlier phones Smart phones. A collection of data utilized to determine the next machine. This may be a new approach for Dell, but almost opposite to that which Apple claims it to avoid asking their advice to clients.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Windows 7 Phone theme for iPhone and iPod Touch!

I'm not used to relay this information, but I think it might interest you. A theme available on Cydia proposes to transform the interface of the iPod Touch interface "Metro" Windows Phone 7.

Launched in October 2010, Windows 7 Phone successor to Windows Mobile offers an innovative interface (which includes the Zune's HD that I presented in summer 2009). Given the success of this mobile OS, WyndWarrior, a member of the community Modmyi decide to bring this interface to the IOS.

All the views of the IOS (excluding applications) are modified to use the features of Metro. Thus the Springboard disappears and gives way to a main menu that displays a list of thumbnails. These vignettes are dynamic and are updated by applications (for example when receiving an email, the sticker "Mail" actualized).

It is easily possible to pin an application to be featured on the home screen.

The result is pretty impressive! The interface is fluid and we really feel like being in front of a Windows 7 Phone:

The theme is available for free on Cydia on the official source Modmyi. Installation does not require going through Winterboard. The theme is in beta but is stable enough to be installed.

Installing the theme "OS7"

* Backboard install from Cydia
* Create a backup with the default button "add" (to avoid nasty surprises)
* Go to the URL: backboard: / /
Apputez "Yes" and wait for full download
* Select Backboard since OS7, click Install and do a respring.

Apple unveils iPad 2: an evolution than a revolution

After months of waiting for fans of tray, and much speculation, Steve Jobs introduced Wednesday a new generation of iPad: iPad 2. On sick leave since last January, he eventually became the conductor of this keynote.

As usual, Steve Jobs first pointed out the success of the company: 100 million iPhones sold since its launch, 200 million customer accounts (App Store, iTunes and iBooks confused) and 100 million books downloaded on iBooks. And for the first generation of the iPad, it is neither more nor less than 15 million iPad already passed!

You said power?

The iPad 2 adopts a new processor, double heart, Apple A5 successor to the current A4 processor built into the iPhone 4. Technically, the A5 is based on the architecture of the Cortex-A9, ARM.

Each heart is clocked at 1 GHz, which allows Apple to announce an iPad twice as fast without sacrificing battery life, which remains unchanged. And about video games, the iPad would be 9 times faster!

The first grip velocity confirm this and note a marked improvement against the first generation.

Gyroscope and cameras

This new model takes almost the same improvements that the iPod Touch 4. Thus it inherits a gyroscope and two cameras, one front Booster (VGA), and one that can capture video in HD (720p).

However, purchasers of the iPad 2 would be equally disappointed that the owners of the iPod Touch 4 quality photos of cameras. It would be the same optical view of the technical constraints to the thickness.

A new design

It is lighter and above 33% thinner (13.4 mm against 8.8 mm). To give you an idea, the iPod Touch 4 has a thickness of only 7.2 mm. Two colors: black or white.

The iPad 2 will be sold March 11 in the U.S. and March 25 in other countries. Regarding rates, no change to note compared to the previous generation (first prize of 499 €). Note that the first generation is still on sale at the Apple Store and it will cost you more than an arm to get it. WiFi 16 GB version is sold at 389 €.

The iPod Touch will use the HDMI adapter iPad 2

On the occasion of the presentation of the iPad 2, Apple has unveiled a new accessory dedicated initially to the iPad: HDMI adapter that connects an iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone to a screen (HDMI compatible monitors or televisions) .

Connected to the iPad 2, the adapter can display the entire screen on a SpringBoard compatible HD in real time. This feature called "video mirroring" is however concerned by the first generation iPhone and iPod Touch, mainly because of a hardware limitation related to the processor (A4 chip for the iPhone 4G / iTouch and A5 dual-core for iPad 2).

Without this feature, the adapter can still display on an HD display some native applications. We can then view videos or podcasts from application "Video," presentations or photo slideshows.

Apple impels consumers to purchase the iPad 2 to enjoy the adapter and the features. One can imagine led conferences from an application repeated on a video projector, or display photo albums on HD television from a friend from a simple iPod Touch! The iPad 2 supports 1080p HD format but can not deliver videos beyond 720p. A 720p video signal is run on other iDevices. There is also support for 5.1 sound in Dolby Surround. The orientation of the accelerometer and iDevice are taken into account by the adapter and transcribed on the screen.

The adapter plugs into the dock connector of iDevices, and has two outputs: one HDMI port and a dock connector for recharging.

Available in France and 25 other countries for 39 € (the USB charging cable is supplied in the pack).

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mac OS X Lion Redesigned !!!

Believe, the latest build of Mac OS X Lion brings something new on Find your Mac. In previous betas, some evidence suggested that Apple would incorporate this feature in Mac OS X, this no longer seems to be doubted that with new build which includes among others an icon for this service.

Also found in the system, a reference to find my Mac Messenger. 9to5 messenger believes this would make the link with the user in case of computer theft. Left to speculate, it is not surprising that this new feature takes place in icloud.

Failing to make big new features, this version seems to have many cosmetic changes here and there. Thus, the download manager in Safari has been reviewed. The bubbles in iChat have also been slightly redesigned, like the bars of tabs in preferences. And they put forward some changes that reflect a listen to criticism from the first users of Leo. Like buttons showing a panel is selected. In this beta they have taken a more traditional look of button pressed and darkened.

In previous versions of Leo, Apple had also inspired iOS with a principle that the ruler is moved and displayed in a tone remained clear enough to indicate the current panel. This was not necessarily explicit.