Monday, April 4, 2011

Apple: 201 days to validate an application

With the team in charge of validating the App Store, we must never lose patience and always believing. That is what must be said in any event Tel Tech Systems Inc., which has seen its application to be validated after 201 days of waiting. And say you gasp because after a week iGeneration iPad 1.0.1 is still not online ...

TrapCall is an application that offers the ability to better manage calls hidden. This software works provided you have an account TrapCall. This service is offered from $ 3.95 per month, provides the number of people hiding their number and possibly block them. TrapCall also offers the ability to transcribe your voicemails as text.

The feature that has long raised eyebrows validation service from Apple is the possibility of not answering a call, and especially to transmit the information to TrapCall by pressing twice on the sleep button. It would also not surprised that Apple changes its mind on the issue at a future software update.

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