Friday, April 29, 2011
White iPhone4 on sale!
White iPhone4 is available for sale. Like its big brother, it comes in two models: 16 GB and 32 GB and is marketed in several countries, including France, Switzerland and Belgium.
No change in prices. United States, 16 GB is announced at $ 199 and 32GB at $ 299. In France, the three major operators such as Orange, SFR and Bouygues also added to their catalog. Besides the color, nothing new except a retail frontage with a proximity visible sensor.
The least we can say is that this model has been inadequate. Being in a bad language, we say that this is the first time Apple announces a product ten months in advance. The iPhone has been sold 4 June 24, 2010. At the time, the white model was to happen in the wake, the last-minute problems had pushed Apple to delay its release several weeks.
Then in early fall, Apple was forced to revise his new copy stating that the iPhone would not see white iphone4 the day before spring. Following this announcement, many wondered if this model was really out.
Once again how Apple can be a perfectionist. Apple has had all the trouble to find the right balance between capacity and thickness of paint, especially in order not to cause any problems with the sensors. To achieve this, the Californian Company had finally resorted to a type of painting developed in Japan which would facilitate the adjustment of the thickness of the layers.
More over, the life cycle of the iPhone 4 is quite different from its predecessors. It's sort of the third variation of this model in less than a year. Remains to be seen what impact this model will have on iPhone sales, after knowing that only you can expect the next big revision.
In the process, Apple has indicated that the iPad 2 will simultaneously rolled out in Japan, HongKong, Korea, Singapore and eight other countries. The model Wi-Fi for its part will be launched in China on May 6
Monday, April 25, 2011
Inference From Apple Q2 results 2011

Apple released its results for the second quarter of fiscal 2011. The results were always highly anticipated between the launch of the new range of Mac Book Pro and the arrival of the i Pad 2.
Once again, Apple did not disappoint, It has announced a turnover of 24.67 billion dollars with a profit of $ 5.99 billion.
These results have something to give a smile to the management of Apple. Steve Jobs said in a statement welcomed the increase in 83% in turnover and 95% of profits. He explained that the Apple machine is running at full speed and will continue to innovate throughout the year. Apple posted sales growth of all its major products with the exception of the i Pod: 3. 76 million Macs sold is a rise of 28% over the same period of the previous year, 18.65 million of i Phone (+113%) and 4.69 million i Pad. Finally, the Cupertino Company has up to 9.02 million i Pods, a figure down 17%. On the other hand, we note that i Tunes achieved a turnover of 1.1 billion, which is a record regardless period.
Though the sales of i Phone and Mac are exceeding expectations, sales of i Pad are below estimates of analysts who had forecasted that 6 million units will be sold. It should be noted that the accounts for the quarter were 15 days in advance after the release of the i Pad 2 in the USA.
Regarding the Mac, it is the sales of laptops that were shown increase of 53% in one year, against a decline of 12% for desktops. Nothing too surprising, Apple enjoys strong sales of the Mac Book Air and the novelty effect of the Mac Book Pro release at the end of February. Aging desktop range has not been renewed since the beginning of the year.
The i Phone on its side continues to be a hit. Sales in the U.S. on the first three year jumped 155% thanks to the release of the i Phone for CDMA Verizon. However, according to Tim Cook, sales at AT & T remained very strong. He also said that the CDMA model would soon be available for sale in several countries, including Saudi Arabia. He also said that Apple had not pressed the idea of releasing an iPhone LTE (4G) believing that the current chip sets require too many sacrifices on the technical level.
For the current period, Apple expects revenues of $ 23 billion and earnings per diluted share of $ 5.03.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Is prototype iPhone 4 T-Mobile in nature?

BGR got their hands on what would be a prototype i Phone 4 running on the network operator T-Mobile U.S., AT & T and European carriers. T-Mobile uses a GSM / UMTS, but it is somewhat specific, and the current model of i Phone is not compatible.
We know the i Phone is compatible with five bands of 3G networks: 800, 850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz. Mean while T-Mobile, uses the 1700 MHz band that does not support the i Phone.
The prototype has obtained BGR has the model number N94 - the i Phone "normal" is number N90, while the i Phone "Verizon" has the N92 model. It uses an internal IOS build with specific applications to Apple (the application of bug-tracking radar in particular), and like all other white prototype i Phone that has been so far. It is particularly with the older version of the proximity sensor, which changed the final version of the i Phone white.
BGR has not always been reliable, but got very good information in recent months. While there is talk of an iPhone capable of running 5 on all networks (GSM / UMTS and CDMA), the development of an iPhone to the network of T-Mobile is rather logical.
IPhone 5, A New Apple Evolution?!

Rumors about the i Phone 5 are followed and all are not look alike. Everyone is more or less agreeing that this model will not come out before the end of summer, but still a question is not answered: Is i phone 5 will be a simple revision or big update?
This version will be anything but an i Phone 4GS.This new model is even thinner, more like an i Pod touch as an i Phone 4, and it would in some ways similar lines of the Mac Book Air and would have a bigger screen. It is about a 3.7 inch screen features and as the same resolution as that of i Phone 4. Therefore, the density would be slightly less (312 dpi against 326 for the i Phone 4), but that he would not lose the qualifier retina. Apple would ensure to give this phone of a larger screen without changing its size.
On the other hand, as suggested by Fran Shammo, CFO of Verizon, it is indeed a global phone capable of operating on GSM, 3G and CDMA. Another new button would be welcome with a touch area to perform gestures in order to run some commands too quickly to change applications. For example, we would find the actions Apple has experienced in the past in IOS. Furthermore technologies may be in the heart of the i Phone 5.
Free Wordpress Themes
As we browse over online to search for the wordpress themes, we can able to find tons of results get appeared. Ofcourse, there are variety of Wordpress themes in the marketplace and daily, the brand new ones are being built-up. It is really hard to mark the excellent one. As the name entails, is an online place devoted to evaluation of Free Wordpress themes. This site aspires to assist theme users create a well-versed option while it approaches to choosing the no cost premium themes. After months of design and execution, was lastly launched in 2004 by Ainslie Johnson! He is a great expert and has learnt about CMS and web development. They don’t slammed down their anchors innovating fresh ideas to create theme choice easier for their clients, but also beginning with gorgeous themes review and rating, they at the present widen the evaluation for the theme providers.
Design involves the whole thing from the look, to the feel, to the user experience. And with websites, design also involves the underlying code that powers your site or blog, and that renders how it looks to your readers. The Design entails the whole thing! It is also representing the fundamental structure, which shows how trouble free your readers being navigating the content, site loading time and also the search engines sees the content. This is one of the best sites that greatly celebrate the good design. They have specially selected an assortment of wordpress themes that are significant using on your blogs. They are still working on fill up the space with excellent database of wonderful wordpress themes! They stay alive to serve for the whole blogging community. It is the online site that can afford the most wide-ranging assessment of Wordpress theme in the common and also the SEO category. The most interesting thing to say that the trouble-free search utility found in this online site allows us to swiftly locate our perfect themes. The free Wordpress themes are forever in huge require. In the middle of plentiful option of blog engines, the all WP themes stay the most extensively used by most of the people. It gives apparent payback such as ease in practice and arrangement and suppleness. I have also suggested this online site to some of my friends and also donated to support Ainslie Johnson. For more information about this online site, please log on to Thanks!
Design involves the whole thing from the look, to the feel, to the user experience. And with websites, design also involves the underlying code that powers your site or blog, and that renders how it looks to your readers. The Design entails the whole thing! It is also representing the fundamental structure, which shows how trouble free your readers being navigating the content, site loading time and also the search engines sees the content. This is one of the best sites that greatly celebrate the good design. They have specially selected an assortment of wordpress themes that are significant using on your blogs. They are still working on fill up the space with excellent database of wonderful wordpress themes! They stay alive to serve for the whole blogging community. It is the online site that can afford the most wide-ranging assessment of Wordpress theme in the common and also the SEO category. The most interesting thing to say that the trouble-free search utility found in this online site allows us to swiftly locate our perfect themes. The free Wordpress themes are forever in huge require. In the middle of plentiful option of blog engines, the all WP themes stay the most extensively used by most of the people. It gives apparent payback such as ease in practice and arrangement and suppleness. I have also suggested this online site to some of my friends and also donated to support Ainslie Johnson. For more information about this online site, please log on to Thanks!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Mac OS X Lion with multi touch gestures

Without a wait of the seventh update of its OS, Apple has addressed its multi touch gestures. Apple was the first to introduce track pad that is able to manage multiple fingers simultaneously in its earlier laptops. You can stimulate with your two fingers the mouse wheel to move up and down in a track pad. Subsequently it had added bigger track pads and added the pinch gestures to resize, two fingers to rotate the image and three fingers to navigate through an application and four fingers to switch applications, presentations or display.
Mac OS X Leo does not change the usual features, but it integrates Apple’s multi touch gestures in track pad use. Transition from one space to another touch gestures are handy and they replace the key board short cuts. Though it is not yet fully developed Apple has tried this multi touch gestures in Mac OS X Leo.
In Mac OS X Leo, slightly changing your two fingers you can navigate in all directions, up / down, right / left, diagonal or round. In the new version of Apple System profiler the direction of travel is reversed in default. That is by sliding your fingers down you can run up to the top of the document and vice versa. And by sliding the bottom to top you can lower the pages of a document. In the beginning it may be little confusing but in daily use it will be handy. These features are of iOS and you can any time disable this in the system preferences. The novelty of using two fingers in Lion is very soft and easy to do. It is similar to that of Safari 5.5.
The gesture with two fingers is different from the three-finger gesture that existed in Snow Leopard. Apple added an animation in the form of layers when you go to the previous page, we go to the bottom layer and the current page slides over the side to find below the previous page.
A sliding two fingers also serves on the dock. Dragging two fingers up on an application icon in the dock, Mac OS X displays all the windows of that particular application. By doing the same thing on a stack, it can be opened without clicking on it.
Add to this a view that shows all the windows of an application and also displays recent documents. This independent multi touch gestures is the latest add in Mac OS X Lion and the combination of both accelerates access to a document recently opened.
By default, the three fingers can be used in Mac OS X Leo to moving from one space to another. Since applications can be a full-fledged space by switching to full screen, slide to the right or left makes this logic to move from one application to another. A double-tap of three fingers on a word brings up the pop-up dictionary built into the system. The function is not new, but this gesture prevents right click then "Look in the dictionary" as in Snow Leopard. It will be noted against the new format in the same spirit as a glance.
In the preference pane which is dedicated track pad, you can change any default behavior and return shipping by scanning. This mode is used, as in Mac OS X 10.6, go to the previous / next page in Internet browsers in the Finder or move to the mall next / previous
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
iGeneration iPad 1.0.1 is Available

An update of iGeneration iPad (1.0.1 ) is available for free download on the App Store. It brings bug fixes.
- External links displayed a blank page.
- Panel A does not miss / Favorites cannot be retracted if they were firing on the panel containing the list of items.
- In the browser websites: Repositioning the navigation arrows and added a refresh button.
- In the menu of sharing: adding a command to open the article in Safari Mobile.
- The line breaks were not included in the comments.
- Some very long url overflowed windows comment.
- Pinching to zoom did not work in external web pages.
- There were some bugs in the menu and shared with Twitter.
- Small corrections have been brought into operation the input panel comments.
- The Easter egg was discovered, it was removed.
In future update the display of quotes on the homepage which are sometimes truncated will be corrected. An updated version of the iPhone with several functional improvements is still under development.
7 million iPad sold in the second quarter

Expecting the announcement of Apple's expected next week, analysts are scrambling to estimate the number of iPad sold in the quarter that began December 26, 2010 and ended March 26 2011. As always, Fortune has listed the various analysis and estimates range from 8.8 million iPad for the most optimistic to 5.13 million for the worst. The average trend totaled 6.32 million iPad, first as last generation. According to one study, it is between 4 and 5 million iPad 1 and iPad 2 were sold between 2 million and 3million.
Another study shows that once the demand is higher this year. On a sample of 2000 people, 28% say they will probably buy an iPad 2 in the future. That is 40% more than the first iPad on the same sample of user representative.
synchronization feature Wi-Fi for iPod

Apple would test a synchronization feature Wi-Fi for its iPod for two years now, and consider the use of carbon fiber to improve transmission. Cult of Mac says that Jobs is pushing to integrate such functionality in portable music players, a way to revitalize technically. And probably also cling to the next line services that are ready to Apple. Fire Zune Microsoft already offers this type of wireless synchronization.
Apple would be difficulties in developing a system that can combine several criteria: reliability and signal strength, design of the player and autonomy. The source said that several of CoM materials and design have been tested, but with modest results. The use of contrast in the carbon fiber to the cabinet would have improved things significantly.
Prototypes have been made with the iPod Classic and the previous nano, but that is not the ideal or standard of what engineers want. However they do a lot of progress, "said the informant.
Apple has filed patents involving carbon fiber and in particular how the color (which would be fine in the context of a family of iPod) and last month it has secured the services of a specialist composite materials, which ran for 13 years a manufacturer of bicycle racing, a pioneer in the use of carbon fiber.
The iPhone4 arrives in India

The schedule launch of the iPhone4 in India has always been very offbeat, since Bharti Airtel and Aircel have just now signed agreements prior to the distribution of iPhone in India 4. No date has yet been announced marketing.
Airtel is the first Indian operator (and the fifth in the world), and then Aircel is the seventh. Airtel and Aircel manages GSM/3G network, which means they will market the iPhone 4 even than we have in Europe. MTN, MTS, RCOM BSNL, Virgin Mobile (Tata) Idea are also operate their CDMA networks, although some of these operators also have GSM/3G networks. Apple is in talks with at least two CDMA operators in India
The iPhone has never taken off in India particularly, because of its price in open market, 480 € without subsidy for iPhone 3G 8 GB, facing a gray market that sells almost 20% cheaper. Then the lack of network; that is the deployment of 3G in India, it is now only growing.
Monday, April 4, 2011
OpenDNS and Google DNS slow your iTunes Store and Apple TV

According to Joe Maller, if you find your downloads from the iTunes Store or the Apple TV a little slow, perhaps the fault of the DNS servers you use. Google DNS or OpenDNS are often faster than the DNS provided by your ISP, but their actual operation may cause problems with the iTunes Store.
Apple has indeed hired the services of Akamai and Limelight, systems, content distribution servers that have around the world: you download and the server nearest to you, and the mass downloads is spread over a vast network.
It is quite possible OpenDNS and Google DNS, central services, direct all their users to a single same data center of NSC, causing them to overload and thus slower speeds. The problem is not confined, moreover, not to the iTunes Store means any service using a CDN discriminate against users based on their geographic location will have this kind of problem with Google DNS and OpenDNS: it will be for example the case of YouTube or many services software downloads, including one built into Mac OS X.
Sony confirms Honeycomb shelf for 2011
Well this year Sony will launch a tablet-based Android 3. Confirmation was given by its CEO, Sir Howard Stringer interviewed by Japanese newspaper Nikkei. This model will first be launched in the United States and its output would occur in late summer (good time to prepare for Christmas sales) or at least before the end of the year.

Mid-February, Engadget had obtained information on a tablet Honeycomb signed with Sony. With an outline of its design. At the time he had a bulge to improve his grip. The equipment would be a Tegra processor 2, a screen 9.4 "1280x800, front and back cameras, USB-A to receive, for example USB keys. Only physical buttons announced, those of volume and starting.
There was also talk of an infrared emitter for controlling Bravia televisions. The period of September for its launch was also mentioned. Sony during CES was also set a goal to rank in second position behind the iPad this market.

Mid-February, Engadget had obtained information on a tablet Honeycomb signed with Sony. With an outline of its design. At the time he had a bulge to improve his grip. The equipment would be a Tegra processor 2, a screen 9.4 "1280x800, front and back cameras, USB-A to receive, for example USB keys. Only physical buttons announced, those of volume and starting.
There was also talk of an infrared emitter for controlling Bravia televisions. The period of September for its launch was also mentioned. Sony during CES was also set a goal to rank in second position behind the iPad this market.
Apple: 201 days to validate an application
With the team in charge of validating the App Store, we must never lose patience and always believing. That is what must be said in any event Tel Tech Systems Inc., which has seen its application to be validated after 201 days of waiting. And say you gasp because after a week iGeneration iPad 1.0.1 is still not online ...
TrapCall is an application that offers the ability to better manage calls hidden. This software works provided you have an account TrapCall. This service is offered from $ 3.95 per month, provides the number of people hiding their number and possibly block them. TrapCall also offers the ability to transcribe your voicemails as text.
The feature that has long raised eyebrows validation service from Apple is the possibility of not answering a call, and especially to transmit the information to TrapCall by pressing twice on the sleep button. It would also not surprised that Apple changes its mind on the issue at a future software update.

TrapCall is an application that offers the ability to better manage calls hidden. This software works provided you have an account TrapCall. This service is offered from $ 3.95 per month, provides the number of people hiding their number and possibly block them. TrapCall also offers the ability to transcribe your voicemails as text.
The feature that has long raised eyebrows validation service from Apple is the possibility of not answering a call, and especially to transmit the information to TrapCall by pressing twice on the sleep button. It would also not surprised that Apple changes its mind on the issue at a future software update.
Computers in cars
Many of us may have built up the computers in cars, but they may be looking odd! These high power systems can only able to run during the ride. There are disadvantages like these, makes these types of systems get vanish and leave its place to the innovative means of today’s car computer systems. The main objective of this present car computer system is to make our vehicle live and get connected to the Internet all the time (even when you not in a drive). These car computers takes low power to run and the main advantage with these machines is they do not flattening the car battery.
A friend of mine named Jonathan told me that he has recently equipped his car with an excellent car computer system which he can access and monitor his car remotely! This machine can let him know all the information the includes the engine data and also the location of his vehicle in google map. It is really quite impressive to hear that he can stop, start or lock his car remotely by means of a cell phone outfitted with 3g network. I recently found an online site at, which is an exclusive place to get lot of information about the car computers like software programs, car entertainment systems and so on. I am pretty much impressed with this online site and would like to suggest this site for the people who want to know about the car computer systems. For more details please log on to Thanks!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Test flash: ITE iBeat Monster Beats

Along with his headphones, Monster also offers several models of ITE, which these iBeat marked with the seal, and targeting primarily users of Apple products (iPhone, iPod, iPad in sight of course). Certainly, the manufacturer knows fashion products trend. But would not it eventually tendency to rest on its laurels lately?
Embracing natural format 3.5mm, this iBeat, developed with the help of is not running for hours around the bush: it was shaped and designed pieces for lovers of heavy bass playing, and what are Priority lovers of hip-hop that will get the best. You have been warned: if your playlists are limited to songs that could be called calmer, and if you do not usually stir up your subway train by pushing the sound of your headphones to the last stop of the volume, know that you'd be hard pressed to find your account with this product ...
With its red wire and chrome finish, the iBeat clearly attempting to distance itself from the competition. We like where we like it, but does not leave their bet in any case not of marble, especially since the headphone wires shows a strength of the evidence. Getting back to the fact that it is especially designed for the iPhone, to name him, we note that it has the technology ControlTalk, resulted in the presence of 3 keys. One to take a call, the other 2 go up and down the volume. Nothing to spoil the product is shipped in a sturdy cardboard box, containing a total of 6 bits, and allow everyone to find his account. In short, the builder knows how to do to attract the eye of the barge, and proves once more.
Sound Quality
Too bad: we really thought that the manufacturer had learned from its past mistakes. It is not so, and this iBeat, volume "normal" tends to support too low, to the point of spoiling the pieces do not line up in the genre of rap well nag. Frustrating, because parallel, lovers of hip-hop will delight in throwing their favorite club bangers, even at a volume driven. However, do not think that we are here in front of the last dated yardstick in the genre. In case you do not usually listen to music encoded at perfection (so to speak), you go with these iBeat, bitterly regret your "lax", the headphones do not hesitate to place low above all, to the point that sometimes plays a bit dull. However, to end on a good note, it is stated that they are doing the honors with regard to the issue of isolation. A point to consider is undeniable!
Despite their devastating design (at least that is my opinion) these people to toil iBeat eclectic musical tastes. Designed to allow you to enjoy a good listening to your songs hip hop, they struggle when they are asked to get out of the way, as to render it difficult to listen to more music classics. Damage, especially when one realizes that it is still sold 99 € ...
Test : Apple iPad 2

Like every week, so here is the test of the week and inevitably, it falls on the Apple iPad 2. We had a little twist on Friday with the test of Nintendo 3DS, but promised it tries to stall for Monday and thus remain steady.
Otherwise, to return to our sheep (Ah ah ah, who can understand), do we still need to present the iPad 2? Everyone has talked of 20h to blogs through Twitter, Facebook, your grandparents, we, etc ..., we have already said everything almost. On the other hand, one can not miss either, eh? So, well then it gets stuck too. Well, I do not do too many illusions about the trolls but I'm sure we can get to be constructive in the comments! C'Mon
With pictures and other presentations during his posting here, I will briefly review the design. As you can see, it's thinner and smaller chouille. With its renewal, he has lost at least 80g on the scales. Quite honestly, to use the 80g will make no difference or very little. By cons, and that's where the Cupertino company has succeeded is the feeling that we gain in terms of weight. Indeed, the first time you take in hand, you really feel it is much lighter while the difference is only 80g. The thinness of the device is probably not foreign to us grasp this impression is because the better the shot. This is especially evident with the SmartCover. The grip has been revised and we must admit that it works. Note also the back straight, which results in not to swing the camera when he is on a flat surface.
According to the general design is a matter of taste. Now with a white version and a black version, needless to say that the black version is more class, cons for the white version, it can serve those who use an iPad for reading books. In drafting, it is pretty unanimous, one preferred design for the iPad 1, sharper and more modern somewhere, even if the finish is still flawless.
Regarding performance, the new Dual Core processor A5 does its job and makes the difference compared to a processor A4 is faster and more fluid in use everyday. Obviously, this does not show on current applications, but in general usage and optimized applications such as Real Racing 2 HD Infinity Blade, it's pretty obvious, it loads faster and it does not during the saccade Exit Thurs sometimes lag between orders and the game This is probably even more impressive when you leave Real Racing 2 HD 1080p on a big screen following his future update (see here). As long as you can plug in a controller in Bluetooth, you could have a nice portable console. If you want numbers, there are tools like Geekbench and after the different results gleaned from the web, we obtained an average score greater than 75% for 2 versus iPad iPad 1.
The screen and sound
Quick word to the screen that has won a passing LED backlight always with an IPS panel, which results in a better light and also a better contrast, especially in bright conditions. By cons, when the image is black or dark, we note two white lights at the bottom left of the screen, not very aesthetic. Although in normal condition, we will ignore these two lights, it's still annoying! For colors, I have not done any measurements or other but it seems rather homogeneous. Regarding the speaker, and although I found it better with a more clear and more powerful. Of course, nothing beats the real headphones or speakers but for the multimedia internet, not bad at all.
The AFN and Visio
One of the criticisms of the iPad 1, was his lack of video camera, and although Apple has listened somewhere since you now find a camera and a video camera. We regret the fact that Apple have been a little stingy on the performance of these NPC.
Indeed, the camera only offers a video resolution VGA screen and a 9.7 ", it shows right away with that FaceTime uses the screen in its entirety! On the other hand, it is used to this kind of resolution for the video camera so we'll do with it, even if we would have liked even that of the 1.3 megapixels.
What about the camera that lets you record video in 720p but provides a sensor with a lower resolution than the screen first (Photo of 960 × 720 1024 × cons 768). I invite you to view photos on Flickr to get an idea of the poor quality of the sensor, especially in low light.
Anyway, as I can understand the usefulness of the video camera, as the NPC, I remain skeptical. In fact, I do not see myself taking pictures or videos with an iPad at arm's length above the beast is still 600g, which is not nothing. It's like using a laptop to take pictures, it's a bit nawak, right?
In talking with a reporter, he talked to me the idea of being able to catch for a note taking. Even then, it must be adequate tool because the software integrated note-taking does not even allow, and then I think I'll go faster with another digital camera to take photos and iPad 2 take notes at the same time. In this regard, Evernote has been updated with the release of the iPad 2 to allow just taking pictures for a note taking. But beyond this specific case, I do not think the NPC is really necessary. I would, ultimately, preferred a video camera with greater resolution and no camera at all.
The new integrated applications
With the video camera, needless to say that now exists in version FaceTime iPad. Nothing to add from the versions iPhone, iPod touch, or Mac OSX, it works the same way. For cons, the limited resolution makes it has big pixels on the screen because it is necessarily the full screen.Besides, it also hosts Photobooth, a small application that lets you take pictures of you and to apply various effects. I will advise you of the coup as an application rather IncrediBooth much more fun. A quick note on applications such as Mail and Safari that benefit from the increased RAM to store more in memory and therefore recover more quickly.
Well, for autonomy, Apple had the right formula with iPad first name since found a similar independence from easy up to ten minutes. Now it's actually based on your usage. If you play a lot, needless to say that the battery will take a hit, though less than the iPad 1. But in general, no worries on that side! Moreover, these are the games that really uses the most. In my everyday use, a video in 480p than fifty minutes. AVI was 6% less autonomy so it goes!
HDMI output
Needless to say that it will pass through a dock adapter / HDMI to 39 €. Once passed to the credit union, the joys of replication screen and frankly, it works well for both the video than anything else. And as things are pretty well made with a hefty price tag, the adapter works with other devices iOS last generation, finally after the presentation because I have not managed to run the adapter with an iPhone 4. Also, I remind you that this replication video format for now so 4 / 3 it will be on your external display. But when you know that Real Racing 2 HD arrives (see HERE) soon with 1080p output, it makes you wonder about the possibilities, albeit competition is already possible.
The SmartCover
With iPad 2, Apple unveiled the SmartCover, a screen protector of the most astute. Indeed, binding to the manner of a MagSafe plug on the side of the iPad 2, it has more of a magnet that will ensure the iPad status when it is on the device. Similarly, when you raise the SmartCover, it will turn the iPad. Clever. Open type, it will protect your screen from scratches. By cons, you will not be protected from the dust that will also tend to follow grooves / folds than anything else, all on your screen of course. As the design, needless to say that the back of the iPad 2 will not be protected.
Besides, I can only congratulate Apple for inventing the folding SmartCover since it will provide support for the iPad 2, nothing to say, it's super smart. In addition, if you fold in half and you just put it in the back of the camera, it provides a better grip of the device. For the latter, I do not know if it's done on purpose but it works really well with games that require you to take the iPad 2 as a controller. In small least we would have liked a magnet on the back of the iPad to hold SmartCover precisely when it is back. And since Apple is an accessory, it has a price, 39 € for the normal versions and 69 € for the leather version ... Yes, this is a business to Apple itself.
So needless to remind you that the iPad 2 is an evolution of the iPad, first name. Apple has kept an honest and fair price, which is not worse. We can always rail against the rigidity of the OS, the system closed around iTunes does not support the flash, etc. ..., we must admit that this also works with the public. Obviously, until a revolution, Apple has upgraded its iPad for it at the technical level of its competitors.
If you do not iPad and you expect this new iPad 2 to change the pitch then you can go, you will not be disappointed. For those who already have an iPad, unless you really need the video and you're a big player on IOS, you can go your way. For those who hesitates with a tablet Android, Blackberry WebOS or Tablet, you already know what is iOS with more and less. And when I see the new user interfaces that happen, to keep iOS only benefit the ecosystem already complete and mature.
A first application rejected on Windows 7 Phone

Brandon Watson had reason to commend the good performance of Windows 7 Phone and not worry about the Windows Marketplace: The Mobile Application Store Microsoft has just returned in the big leagues in rejecting his first application, Imagewind.
This application displays a stream of images from Twitter in real time, which has displeased Microsoft Imagewind proposed no filter images and a bit more daring than the average would have fallen under the eyes of young users.
The reason for rejection is not the only thing that makes it look like this matter to any eviction from the App Store. The application is actually present on the Windows Marketplace for a month, Microsoft is having "woken up" at the third update. The application developer has proposed to add a message explaining that the content was not filtered, but this was apparently not enough for the Redmond company.

The developer is then moved away: Microsoft denies its application even though unlike iOS, WP7 has no age rating in the Windows Marketplace, a solution to his problem. Imagewind is no longer available through a simple XAP file that can be used with a smartphone Windows 7 Phone hacked.
IPad multitouch gestures: a false good idea?

With IOS 4.3, Apple offers developers new multitouch gestures to switch quickly from one application to another with a shift to four or five fingers, or to exit an application with a pinch of four or five fingers. Very quickly, Apple announced that these actions would not be offered to the general public in this version of IOS (read: iOS 4.3: iPad new gestures will not go in the final) and they are absent IOS 4.3, least to enable it via Xcode (3.99 €) (read: iOS 4.3: enable multitouch gestures for iPad). These acts seem alluring, but are they really a good idea?
iBackupTunes sharing your music

Without access to the new Amazon Cloud player, iBackupTunes [1.0 - U.S. - 1.59 € - iPhone / iPad] offers an interesting solution if you want remote access to your music. The application accesses music stored on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and allows you to duplicate all or part of this music in the application. You can then read iBackupTunes, but that is not the main focus of the application.
iBackupTunes also share music managed internally or by sending it in iTunes (it will then go through the software to retrieve it from the Apps tab) or by creating a Web or FTP server. You can then remotely access the music, provided, however, be located on the same network as the mobile terminal which acts as a server. You can exchange music between devices for example, even if a step is required by iTunes to add music to the iPod application.
Sony claims to provide "the best camera" to Apple

This time it directly from Sony boss Sir Howard Stringer, who supplies the list of specifications of products coming from Apple (you can call it suicide ... live). He suggested that Sony should equip Apple with their best optical sensor.
Stringer attended yesterday evening, April 1, nice irony, an appointment held by the Wall Street Journal where he was interviewed by Walt Mossberg.
The Wall Street Journal make a brief report and repeat the passage in which Stringer emphasizes the paradox of his situation as a competitor but also a supplier to Apple, "It always leaves me perplexed, why should I give to Apple best camera? "
There is no more into detail on the component in question or its exact destination. He also explained that this component was to join an Apple device was manufactured in a factory in Sendai Japan hit by the tsunami.
As recalled Mac, the rumor of a partnership between Apple and Sony has a history. Going back in April 2010, are The Street, which afiirmait that Sony would replace Omnivision in the iPhone in the following year, with an 8MP sensor. We can then engage in speculation and consider that the hypothesis of an iPhone launch 5 to fall is the result of the problem with this plant.
Jim Dalrymple of The Loop (and former Macworld Magazine U.S.), who first raised the pitch shift, reiterated last Wednesday, the blog of Fortune, which published his ticket two days earlier had been confirmed by its "excellent sources ".
Friday, April 1, 2011
Mac OS X Lion: Apple seeks expert advice on security

Apple has invited a few security experts to submit their comments on Mac OS X Lion. Apple has warned that they could get for free the beta for the assess "It contains several improvements in security countermeasures" says the invitation.
The select audience consists of people who in the past have made up or found security flaws in Mac OS X. Examples include Charlie Miller used a year at trade fairs or Dino Dai Zovi, other lovers of this type exploits.
Unclear whether the practice is common at Apple, in each preparation to the arrival of a new OS, for its part, but Miller could not recall any precedent. Although it is not paid a consultation in good and due form to pass Lion screened, he said that Apple comes out of its isolation "Finally, their safety issues come to mind."
Miller as his counterpart have both said their respective twitters they could not reveal the content of their judgments, are bound by a confidentiality agreement as are developers.
The future of Apple MobileMe $ 20 per year?

The redesign of the online service MobileMe Apple would bring with it a new fee that could rise to $ 20. Therefore not free, but a price below 79 Euros currently asked.
A new rumor is in addition to those already many surrounding MobileMe, the service pack online from Apple. This includes webmail, an online photo gallery and a feature to remotely locate its iPhone, MobileMe would experience a major update soon, specifically in April.
The latest rumors are not all consistent. iLounge announced a revamped version free; The Music Void speaks him a subscription to $ 20 per year. For this price, the new MobileMe include storage space in the cloud on the music, allowing listening to his nightclub from anywhere.
Apple has already reached an agreement with Warner's, while a deal with Universal Music and EMI should be achievable without much difficulty as The Music Void. Sony remains that show less endorsement.
No rewards from Apple at WWDC 2011

On the occasion of every WWDC, Apple presents awards for the best applications running on its OS. To claim the Apple Design Awards this year, Mac applications will necessarily figured on the Mac App Store.
At the edge of Mac OS Leo, although Apple operates a "Back to the Mac", the name of the conference in October which had unveiled the new Mac Book Air and Mac OS X 10.7.
Back to Mac in effect as if they had been set aside at WWDC 2010, they reappeared this year. "The future of Mac OS" will be announced, but it's also the Apple Design Awards of trophies rewarding the best applications of the year, the Mac is again under the spotlight.
The Design Awards were for the first time, forgot the applications for Apple computers last year. The symbolic impact of this predation was strong enough, some blaming Apple to lose interest.
"The error" is corrected for the WWDC 2011 as the Design Awards reward software for iMac, MacBook and company. But a new sine qua non has emerged to claim the title of best Mac application: be on the Mac App Store.
This condition, however, force the developers to make their exclusive application to the Apple Store. They are always free to offer their product for download on their own site. But to win an Apple Design Award, it is necessary that the software is available on the App Store for Mac.
The decision is somewhat surprising fact; there is a way like another to push developers to cozy up to the Mac App Store. The Cupertino Company is pushing its paperless shop for a while; the disappearance of the boxes in the Apple Store seems on track, while Mac OS Leo could be downloaded from the online store of the company Steve Jobs.
A new version of Mac OS Lion Developer

Apple has posted the second developer preview of its subsequent release of operating system, Mac OS X 10.7. Bug fixes and new interface for iCal in this preview of Lion always distributed via the Mac App Store.
While Microsoft is now distributing pre-release of Windows 8, Apple continues to develop its side, the Leo. The Cupertino Company has rolled out it’s a new beta version of Mac OS 10.7 Mac OS named Lion Developer Preview 2 to developers.
Also distributed via the Mac App Store, this preview is accompanied by a preview of Xcode 4.1, the development environment of Mac OS. Apple warns Thunderbolt devices are not yet fully supported. The most striking novelties brought by this Developer Preview 2 include iCal that has an interface similar to the iPad version and two separate versions for the operating system.
Gold Master, Final version ready for distribution, approaching fast. It anticipates a launch of Mac OS X Lion around WWDC, which is expected this year targeting the software part.
Getting to the iPod nano 6

When September 2010 Comes, the revival of the iPod line is here! This year Apple has made changes more or less visible on his iPod. Let's start with nano. Nano in two versions: 8 GB to 169 GB and 16 € to 209 €, the range is available in 7 vibrant colors.
What's new in this version?
The size, Well it's the new nano 2G iPod shuffle with a screen. The screen is multi touch, i.e. with two fingers, you can rotate the screen. Personally I find this simpler technique, because it's annoying to have an iPod that turns its display automatically.
iPod nano keeps the dock connector and 3.5mm jack for headphones. Navigation is at your fingertips. To listen to music, touching music and select your favorite song, to go back? Swipe your finger from left to right. Buttons to adjust the sound very similar to the iPhone 4.
iPod nano features as the previous version of an FM tuner, RDS compatible! And you can stop and restart the radio whenever you want (Buffer 10 min).
It is quite possible to look at pictures, but given the size is not great. For movies, forget it! Over this function. The OS of the iPod is very fast! We would be in iOS 4. The wallpaper can be changed, the icons can be moved as the iPhone, you touch an icon and editing it to confirm.
The packaging is very small compared to the first iPod nano.
A beautiful iPod, very small! But expensive. The functions are intuitive but the price certainly is not my opinion. A price just above 100 € but would have been appreciated or even € 169 € 209 are not justified.
The Plus
* Design
* Simplicity
* Size
* The clip to the iPod shuffle
* The multi touch screen
The Minus
* Price