Monday, February 28, 2011

Time is money

Erwann Girard described the scenario that far videographer filming outdoors or in studio and had to return their Mac Pro's rush to unload on a rack and then mount her work "With a MacBook Pro 17" has become a powerful machine and the Little Big Disk storage was extremely fast. It obviously does not terabytes as in a server room, but it was up to 500 GB SSD and chaining these products can be achieved tera with excellent performance. "

There are also those clients who need to transfer large volumes of data, this task could be moved at certain times of day may be carried out on the field "From the time the computer takes the road, the interface no longer an obstacle to the preservation, one can imagine that given incremental backup will take a few seconds where it took two hours. We have customers who spend their lives moving data. An advertising agency that delivers a project, as 500 GB or 1 TB of data to put on a hard drive which then sends the customer, and I'm not talking about post-production boxes that merely this. Here we will transfer 1 TB in 20 minutes instead of eight hours with USB 2. That increased efficiency, it will change the customs. "

When the user, it should take advantage of any transparent manner Thunderbolt "Apple has worked hard to make the experience good, one branch and the volume goes up, there is nothing special. It was the ease of use of USB or FireWire with superior performance to that of Fibre Channel, and robustness comparable. It was a little the best of both worlds. Personally it is something that speaks to me, when I joined I took care of LaCie products racks with Fiber Channel 4 Gbp / s 12 or 24 TB and there were performances that were worse compared to of Thunderbolt and two SSDs! When you put things into perspective we have many advantages, an association between consumer and professional characteristics. "

The fact that Thunderbolt is based on these relatively mature "mini DisplayPort connector is known as PCI Express, PCI and it's video, it's tough, no surprise, we're on the known "(LaCie has three professional displays equipped with a DisplayPort socket, ndr). The possibility also to chain the elements, which as a convenience to limit the (re) connections when multiple returns with his laptop, one cable will connect the machine (s) disc (s) drive (s) and screen.

The possibility of Thunderbolt back to its origins, that of a fiber optic cable rather than copper is not excluded but there is still work to do and it raises other problems, "It's not buried, Intel has not closed the door on that idea, but it is not on the agenda. There is such physical frailty of the fiber that makes it unsuitable for use by the general public or for use on the ground. It is found rather in the server room, where the branch once and where they do not touch anymore. ".

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