Wednesday, April 11, 2018

iOS Could Detect When You Hover Your Finger Over The Screen


iOS will know when you are hovering the finger upon the screen

Apple has brought the latest update to its iOS with much fan fare as it aimed towards enhancing the battery management along with slew of other tweaks. A report has emerged from the Apple offices that it has been actively working on adding new gesture controls for the iPhones. Apart from the range of normal touch gestures controls present on the iPhone now iOS will be to detect whether the users hovering the finger on the screen in order to trigger certain actions.

It is worth remembering that at the time of the launch of very first iPhone Jobs has remarkably spent quite a lot of time in showcasing the might of the multi-touch interface to the users. Touching screen by adding different level of pressure results in triggering different tasks and similarly swiping on either side of screen helps in getting different job done while the use of multiple finger in order to zoom in the photo or rotate were first seen implemented on the iPhone.

Changing the way people are interacting with their mobile screens

Apple has been a pioneer when it comes to bringing better controls and screen related functionalities to the core user experience. It is worth noting that Apple brought the famous 3D Touch gesture controls with the launch of the iPhone 6S. This features allowed users to triggers different by apply varying amount of pressure on their phone's screen. It allowed users to preview a photo or simply open an email or open the shortcut menu and much more.

These can seem like some simple touch screen enhancement performed by the Apple in the recent since the launch of the iPhone X which brought whole new range of gesture control never seen before on any smartphone. Apple also made a bold move to get rid of the staple home button which eventually made it necessary to offer advanced gesture based control for sublime user experience.

Next iPhone will be better than the before

With next generation iPhone this year Apple will bring the ability to detect the gestures right from above the screen. However there are no documents revealed by the Apple which points towards how it will be achieved on the next iPhones and some has even pointed out that features might not even debut in this year’s iPhone altogether. It has also been brought to the attention that Apple is also actively experimenting with the curved display for its upcoming iPhones.

Rather than being like the Samsung Galaxy premium devices Apple more likely want the iPhone to appear like a banana shape from top to the bottom. A number of rumors have suggested that Apple will be launching three new iPhone devices like the previous year. One of these devices will be next version of the trendsetter iPhone X followed by another iPhone X lookalike iPhone having a cheaper display while another one will be larger iPhone X for those who need larger display.

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