Monday, August 7, 2017

Apple Discontinues iPod Shuffle and iPod Nano


Apple strokes iPod nano and iPod shuffle

Apple has quietly thrown the iPod nano and iPod shuffle out of the program. Both MP3 players will still have it in the stationary retail, but not for much longer. Apple justified this at Bloomberg with "simplifying the iPod series".

The iPod touch has not been updated since 2015. For this, he is not so bad with 230 euros for 32 gigabytes of memory and 340 euros for 128 gigabytes of memory.

In the Apple shop, only the iPod touch is sold cheaply: With 32 and 128 gigabytes of memory for 229 and 339 euros respectively. IPod Nano and iPod Shuffle are the only remaining stocks. This makes the iPhone-like iPod Touch the only digital music player that is still officially in the Apple program.

Apple spoke of a "simplification" of his iPod offer, the other devices would no longer sell. Apple is not likely to be more valuable, so far, only original unpacked, unused iPod have significantly increased in value.

Streamed music replaces older players

Apple had introduced the first iPod in 2001, later, it was available in smaller versions with less memory and also without display. The iPod Shuffle, for example, was no bigger than a matchbox and also played songs by random.

The downside: All songs have to be played on the devices via software. Only the iPod Touch is capable of internet access - so it is the only one that remains in the assortment. The original iPod does not exist any longer.

Of course, it is not a big surprise that the last two offline players are taken off the market. Music is streamed today and is no longer held locally. You could also use this argument just for a new kind of music player: a kind of modern radio station, where music comes from the Internet, but without a screen or further interactivity would have to do. An iPod nano that is connected to the Internet and does not know the difference between cached and streamed music.

For people who would like to have the advantage of streaming music (even if it is from their own collection) and still do not want to be automatically on, that would be a good compromise. And maybe that would open up the impasse in which audio player and streaming offerings are located. The triumph of streaked music from the Internet has gradually replaced players who can not resort to appropriate services. Apple has meanwhile its own music service ("Apple Music") and is thus very successful besides providers such as Spotify and Amazon Music.

The end of the two classic music players is not quite unexpected. Apple has already said several times that the iPhone will lead to the decline of the traditional music players. The music playback software installed on the smartphone offers at least the same functions in comparison. Users also do not have to carry a second device with them.

Current devices are also to be supplied with the new iOS 11 in autumn. In contrast to the now adjusted models, they can also play videos, access the Internet and download apps. And something else makes it more attractive for Apple: With the iPod touch users get access to Apple 's own in - house and paid streaming service Apple Music.

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