Friday, March 31, 2017

New Apple Patent Could Make Driving With Apple Watch Less Distracting

Apple Watch
Isn’t it tempting when your smartwatch or Smartphone throbs to inform you about the latest notifications? It often urges you to clandestinely glance at your wrist or flip the phone cover to check what’s happening. Whenever our Smart device lets us know about the latest buzz or keeps us updated on the daily nothings we feel satisfied. However, the truth is that looking at your wrist quite often gives others around you the feeling that you’re bored, and the constant notifications on your mobile device can sometimes be intrusive. Even worse is when your gadget makes you succumb to the thought of ‘who this could be’.

A new prospect 

Although this habit of constantly checking your device might seem harmless, it’s not that safe when you are driving. Apple watch owners, who check the watch for navigation while driving, generally get into the habit of squinting at it without any reason. Apple is known for its constant thrives to create and present something new to its loyal customers. Once again the mega-tech company has come up with a new prospect to help reduce this habit of squinting at the watches while driving. The new Apple Patent will know when the watch owner is driving, and will temper the behavior.

Several advantages 

Parker Wilhelm from Tech Radar recently in an interview mentioned about the several advantages of Patent. One of the biggest plus points is that it will automatically discern when you are driving. The Watch will automatically adjust and will turn off its raise-to-wake feature. Due to this new feature you will not be mesmerized to look at the watch every time your wheel takes a right turn, say. Another added advantage of Patent is that it will only pass the important notifications. So that, you because of this new feature you don’t miss an emergency call, but Facebook and Instagram notification will not bother you.

To keep you from looking at the watch constantly, some of the information or notification would be directed elsewhere. The information would be projected either in vehicle speaker, or heads up display, or dash. This way you would not be puzzled by the constant wrist vibrations, and you would also receive the all the notifications. The feature would simply direct the calls to the speaker, or you would be able to see the navigation on the car’s display. Other modifications include snubbing recognized gestures.

Enhanced steering focus 

The gestures would be disabled and due to this the person driving would not be confused by the vibrations or steering movements of the vehicle chassis. The steering focus will be controlled meaning, that the driver would not find the watch behaving differently all of a sudden. While some have pointed out that active gestures might confuse the driver, the truth is that unless you’re practicing Zumba on a speeding bus, you’ll probably not feel puzzled. Another feature which is going to available on the Apple watches in a few days is the Theatre mode. This mode will make the display less responsive and will not disturb the audience.

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