Saturday, July 11, 2015

iTunes 12.2: New version a missed opportunity for Apple Music

Apple always seeks to outdo itself by advancing its feature rich products with more features and better user experience. This time this approach has backfired on larger scale with its latest update for iTunes app. The latest version of iTunes named 12.2 both for the OS X and Windows platform was released as a part of the launch of its exclusive Apple Music service. Initial response for this app was extremely positive but soon it took a dive nose with presence of multiple bugs and complete revamp of iTunes on a massive scale.

Latest iTunes App Termed As Disaster By Majority Of Users And Reviewers

Apple seldom has to bear the mark of being introducing bug filled disastrous updates. The latest iTunes app is in the centre of confusion, frustration and furors of even the most loyal Apple iTunes app supporters. A large number of users have complained about issues relating to mismatched song titles, album art and artists names, which are an inconvenience for avid music lovers.

Subscription Service Becomes A Pain For Users

With this new iteration of iTunes Apple had introduced its music subscription in the already complex app. This feature allows the users to access their own local music files along with viewing subscription catalog and personal recommendation bundled with existing iTune download store. Though all are placed in separate tabs but crucial links for their successful integration found missing. This is highly confusing for the users and it increases the learning curve for making full use of this new app.

More Glitches And Bugs Dampen The User Experience

The music section of the iTunes app is another tricky feature in itself wherein users get the radio tab showcasing Apple’s new Beats 1 online radio station along with others. Other internet radio section is carefully sidelined in a sub-menu, which helps in organizing the online streams, by music genres. Podcasts are also available in a separate section of this app which is published by the same radio stations. These setting are sidelined in a better way but usage happens to be quite confusing and frustrating for the users.

Home Movies Section In Music App? 

Many reviewers have found it quite absurd to bundle a home movie section for rental and purchases in a primary music app. This feature introduction allows users to make movie purchases, which are already available by iTunes store to great extent. Furthermore, this app also brings audios, books, iOS apps, ringtones and feature to manage iPad and iPhone storage.

Apple had overworked itself by bringing too many features in an exclusive music app with this new update. The presence of Movies and shows in the music app somewhat depreciates its authencity as a sole primer music app. Too much bundling of features had also increased the complexity of this app and even lowered its user experience and value as a whole. Apple should think towards breaking down the different parts of this app and launch it as a separate app for distinct services for both the Windows and OS X platform.

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