Thursday, June 27, 2013

Know more about OS X Mavericks -2

Other highly anticipated features that helps more to the new users: better management of configurations with multiple screens. Until then, OS X was bad enough when we plugged a (second) screen to your Mac. The most glaring example was the full screen introduced with OS X Lion and required to have the same application on any screen mode. OS X Mavericks profoundly modifies the operation and offers a much more powerful solution, but probably more complex. The idea is to bring autonomy to each of the screens that you use: there is the menu bar on all screens and you can place applications in full screen on one monitor, but especially on any monitor. Specifically, you can now organize your windows as you want and simply work in OS X Mavericks. In this example, when writing an article, therefore, we have a compose window and a browser window on the right, a preview window, the corrector and Twitter on the left.

You receive an email? You can use Mission Control directly or trackpad gestures to change only the left screen. The right one is writing mode, the time to respond to email received. A gesture later, you will find the previous virtual desktop, one that allows a glimpse of the current document and correction.
Since it refers to the full screen mode, we regret that this release is not more evolved Mail application. The edit window is modal in part: it blocks the entire interface when writing a new message or a reply from the application, but if you create a mail from another program, the window is placed over another screen.

In theory, OS X Mavericks is supposed to remove any notion of primary or secondary display. Apple's new system has to guess that you are using at any given time and place the dock, knowing that the menu bar is constantly present. In fact, this operation does not seem to develop and can still be found in the System Preferences option available which allows you to choose the main screen. Last, Apple also supports these new options available for Apple TV. AirPlay can be used for a presentation on a television screen while using the Mac on.

Apple's browser has received some significant new features, but they do not apply to all OS X Mavericks. The new version of Safari is offered to remain with Lion and Mountain Lion and you can find the main news item in that other user: Small new Safari 6.1. In Apple's new system, the browser is Safari 7 and not 6.1. The change is not only symbolic, even if the interface has few differences, are important internal changes between the two versions. OS X 10.9, Safari and finally adopts the separation process for tabs. As in Chrome, for example, each open tab is a process, which should both accelerate and stabilize the browser. In case of problem on a tab, the browser will simply interrupt the matching process and avoid the complete crash. Apple ahead of many figures to prove that the browser is faster: from what we could tell, Safari is better than before and the gain is sensitive. This is especially the case on a Mac with Retina display, the computer that was just on the point with OS X 10.8.

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