Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Apple Store: Defence is confirmed and it moves in Strasbourg

Apple is well open a new Apple Store in a spray of Paris (Puteaux), in the Quatre Temps shopping mall for Defence, at the foot of the Grande Arche. Employment opportunities without precise location pointed in that direction in recent months and we had obtained confirmation of internal source in August. This time things are official, with the fresh registration of the new shop. The center faces the CNIT where a large Fnac.

On the side of Strasbourg, things seem to take their course. One of our readers noticed since the beginning of the week a new ballet of workers in the commercial center of the Aubette the place chosen by Apple. End of 2011 Latest News from Alsace was again about installing Apple without being fiercely denied by the center and just before Christmas of jobs in eastern France had reappeared (they were been removed, read Apple Store: new jobs). Another Store in Lyon this time is also officially planned for this year in the district of Confluence, it will be the second city. And recent confirmation came as Aix-en-Provence, a priori early 2013.

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