Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apple Confirms iCloud Web Apps

Apple has published a FAQ on the transition to MobileMe icloud. She confirms that including MobileMe web apps (mail, contacts, calendars, Find My iPhone) will be accessible through this fall. These functions will remain thus accessible icloud in a browser.

E-mail, contacts, calendars, bookmarks and services Find My iPhone and Back to My Mac to MobileMe will be transferred from icloud. It will also find a new way to sync keychain, widgets, Dock items and preferences system (see for example, use Dropbox and symbolic links, as we explained for example Safari extensions, read: No -by-Step: synchronize your Safari extensions on multiple Macs). IWeb publishing, galleries and iDisk disappearing in favor of new services icloud: iTunes in the cloud, the flow of photos, backup and restoration, or the automatic download of applications and electronic books. The storage space by default is 5 GB, expandable against payment: Apple will specify the conditions by launching icloud.

All active MobileMe accounts June 6, 2011 were automatically extended for free until June 30, 2012, when MobileMe will disappear forever. This period allows current users to find alternatives to services that will be then removed in the summer of 2012. Even if a user has the MobileMe transition icloud, he can access their iWeb sites and galleries until June 30, 2012.

This will keep MobileMe address (@ or addresses icloud default is The MobileMe Family Pack can be converted: the master account and each account will become members’ icloud individual accounts. Apple does not specify the fate of aliases, and has not lifted the veil on the conversion of accounts with expired MobileMe account. Finally, Apple recalled the terms of repayment of current MobileMe subscriptions for those who do not need the extra time to retrieve any data.

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